A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

What If the Person Who Named Walkie Talkies Named Everything?

Updated on Apr. 05, 2023

You've probably never thought about how weird the word 'walkie talkie' is until now. Here's what would happen if we named everything like that.

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walkie talkie reddit
Reader's Digest

Let’s name things like the Walkie Talkie

A few years back, Reddit user dirtknapp asked the Internet: “What would the person who named Walkie Talkies have named other things?” The answers went on for a smiley whiley—and here are our very favorites.

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stabby grabbies walkie talkie reddit
Reader's Digest

Forks would be…

—Reddit user Geta-Ve

Does anyone know where the box of plastic stabby grabbies is? I need one for my salad.

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soupie scoopies walkie talkie reddit
Reader's Digest

Spoons would be…

—Reddit user unproperNoun

Please stop slurping your meal off of your soupy scoopy. You’ve probably never heard these funny words before.

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hairy wearies walkie talkie reddit
Reader's Digest

Wigs would be…

—Reddit user betty_netch

Grandpa likes to wear a hairy weary for special occasions because he lost all his real hair.

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roomy vroomies walkie talkie reddit
Reader's Digest

Limos would be…

—Reddit user MisterDonkey

Lots of roomy vroomies pulled up to the church to take the wedding party to the reception.

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hearty starty walkie talkie reddit
Reader's Digest

A defibrillator would be…

—Reddit user whatasteve

Is this building equipped with a hearty starty? You’ll want to start using these hilarious made-up words.

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starey squaries walkie talkie reddit
Reader's Digest

Computers would be…

—Reddit user IranianGenius

Make sure to bring your starey squaries to lecture today.

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zoomie boomies walkie talkie reddit
Reader's Digest

Cruise missiles would be…

—Reddit user sjhock

We saw lots of antique zoomie boomies at the war museum.

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heatie eaties walkie talkie reddit
Reader's Digest

Microwaves would be…

—Reddit user Bronzefeather

The instructions say to cook it in the heatie eaty for four minutes.

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wheezy sneezies walkie talkie reddit
Reader's Digest

Allergies would be…

—Reddit user dezzawintz

My wheezy sneezies are always so bad this time of year. Here are some words we no longer use (but should!).

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cattle rattles walkie talkie reddit
Reader's Digest

Cowbells would be…

—Reddit user JaiC

Make sure to bring the cattle rattles to the football game so we can cheer on our team.

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rightie tightie walkie talkie reddit
Reader's Digest

Screwdrivers would be…

—Reddit user ShotsGotFired

Is it a Phillips or flat head rightie tighty?

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feetie heaties walkie talkie reddit
Reader's Digest

Socks would be…

—Reddit user Malzahnsvisor

One of the best gifts you can give is feetie heaties. Everyone needs them!