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Can You Pass This Quiz of 4th Grade Spelling Words?

Updated on Sep. 26, 2024

How many can you get right? No peeking at a dictionary for this surprisingly tricky 4th grade spelling words quiz.

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Test your skills with this 4th grade spelling words quiz

Remember those 4th grade spelling words quizzes we took in elementary school? They were like mini brain games that kept our spelling skills sharp and enhanced our budding vocabularies. We’d wrack our brains to remember the words, using some of the most common letters in English to spell those challenging words in hopes of acing the quiz and, of course, getting that coveted gold star. Simpler times, simpler words.

But make no mistake—some of those 4th grade spelling words were doozies. In fact, they may still trip you up. Test your skills by taking this spelling test for 4th grade students. How many can you get right? No Googling!

describes deeply held value
Reader's Digest

Which of these words describes a deeply held value or unbreakable rule?

A. Principle

B. Princeple

C. Principal

(P.S. Don’t forget to check out this list of commonly misspelled words.)

Reader's Digest

A. Principle

For example, it probably goes against your “principles” to cheat on a test of 4th grade spelling words—and it just might get you sent to the “principal’s” office. If you really want to challenge your spelling skills, take a look at the hardest winning National Spelling Bee words.

boston is the ____ of MA
Reader's Digest

Which word goes here? “Boston is the ____ of Massachusetts.”

A. Capital

B. Capitle

C. Capitol

By the way—these are some confusing words and phrases you may be using all wrong.

Reader's Digest

A. Capital

States have “capital” cities, and countries have “capitals,” but legislators meet in “capitol” buildings. We totally see why this one trips people up.

means permitted
Reader's Digest

Which of the following means “permitted” or “able to”?

A. Aloud

B. Allowed

C. Allowde

Once you’re done with this quiz, guess if these funny words are real or made up.

Reader's Digest

B. Allowed

It might sound identical to “allowed,” but “aloud” actually means the same thing as “out loud.” For example, “I’m not allowed to play my music aloud when my baby brother is sleeping, so I use headphones.” Just a few letters can make a big difference. Try naming these states without using vowels!

kind praising statement someone makes to someone else
Reader's Digest

Which of the following is a kind, praising statement someone makes to someone else?

A. Compliment

B. Complement

C. Complament

Another question to ponder: Is it cancelled or canceled?

Reader's Digest

A. Compliment

A “complement” is something that completes or increases the value of something else. “Complament” isn’t a word at all, but you might think it is because of the way most people pronounce the word. (Similar spelling mistakes are common—for example, this is the difference between travelled and traveled.)

describing noticeable change or result
Reader's Digest

Which of these words is a noun describing a noticeable change or result?

A. Effect

B. Affect

C. Efect

Remember to take this state capitals quiz once you’re finished with this 4th grade spelling words test.

Reader's Digest

A. Effect

“Affect” is a verb meaning to produce a change or—you guessed it—an effect. To make matters more confusing, “affect” can also be a noun meaning a subtle display of emotion. These are some of the most confusing grammar rules in the world.

i got all right ___ this one
Reader's Digest

Which word goes here: “I got all these 4th grade spelling words right ___ for this one.”

A. Except

B. Accept

C. Ecxept

Reader's Digest

A. Except

“Accept” is a verb meaning “to allow or agree to,” while “except” is a preposition meaning “with the exclusion of.” In that way, their meanings are somewhat opposite! When you’re trying to figure out which to use, ask yourself if you’re “allowing” or “excluding.” Follow these grammar rules that make you sound smarter.

which means to get or take into your posession
Reader's Digest

Which of these words means “to get or take into your possession”?

A. Recieve

B. Receive

C. Reiceive

Reader's Digest

B. Receive

This is one of the words that old “I before E except after C” rule was created for. If you’re enjoying this 4th grade spelling words quiz, try this high school English quiz.

means experiencing shame
Reader's Digest

Which of these words means “experiencing shame or humiliation”?

A. Embarrassed

B. Embarassed

C. Embarrased

Reader's Digest

A. Embarrassed

Here’s a rule for remembering how to spell “embarrassed”: When in doubt, use double letters!

means engaged or curious
Reader's Digest

Which of these words means “engaged or curious”?

A. Intrested

B. Interrested

C. Interested

Reader's Digest

C. Interested

Interesting, right? If you’re interested in more word games, check out our Word Power quizzes—word nerds will love them!

means to misplace
Reader's Digest

Which of the following means “to misplace or forget the whereabouts of” (or “to come off worse in a competition”)?

A. Loose

B. Lose

C. Louse

Reader's Digest

B. Lose

No, you can’t “loose” your keys. But if you set your dog “loose,” you might “lose” him.

when you go to the gym
Reader's Digest

When you go to the gym, which of the following are you doing?

A. Exercising

B. Excercising

C. Exorcising

Reader's Digest

A. Exercising

Hopefully, you’re not encountering any demons at the gym, as that’s the only time you would use the homophone “exorcising.” Here are some more homophones people commonly mix up.

means essential
Reader's Digest

Which of these words means “essential” or “required”?

A. Nesessary

B. Nessecary

C. Necessary

Reader's Digest

C. Necessary

C’s and double-S’s make the same sound in “necessary,” making it a tricky word to spell! Speaking of tricky—how many of these trick questions can you get right?

used when you talk about a topic of conversation
Reader's Digest

Which of these do you do when you talk about a topic of conversation or consideration?

A. Discuss

B. Disscuss

C. Discus

Reader's Digest

A. Discuss

If option C also looks familiar, that’s because “discus” is a disk-throwing track-and-field event.

means absolutely
Reader's Digest

Which of these words means “indisputably” or “absolutely”?

A. Definetely

B. Definitely

C. Definately

Reader's Digest

B. Definitely

As in, if you got more than 10 of these 4th grade spelling words correct, you’re definitely a master speller!

Officially feeling smarter than a fourth grader? See how you fare against these elementary school math questions.

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