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Green Living

Living a greener, more eco-friendly life doesn’t require a complete shift in your lifestyle. With our useful tips on recycling, limiting food waste, shopping sustainably, and more, you’ll start reducing your carbon footprint in no time—and save some money while you’re at it!

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15 Good Luck Plants to Bring Fortune to Your Home

Placed strategically throughout the house, certain good luck plants are believed to bring prosperity, fortune, health and more. Here's what the feng shui experts say.


How to Use Eggshells for Plants and Make Your Garden Flourish

Your garbage just might be your garden’s treasure. Here’s what you need to know about using eggshells to help your...

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Everything You Need to Know About Hydroponic Gardening

Hydroponic gardening is a great way to grow food—without soil—in smaller spaces. Here's what you need to know.

2 Things to Do with Cucumber Peels for Healthy Plants

This plant-care DIY is the perfect way to use cucumber peels

6 Eye-Catching Vertical Gardens Designed to Grow Up in Small Spaces

Vertical gardens aren't just for urban spaces anymore. With so many options for creating green walls, flower towers and food...

8 Best Indoor Herb Garden Kits Anyone Can Grow at Home

Growing fresh herbs isn't just for trendy restaurants and professional chefs. You too can get in on the farm fresh...

8 Best Indoor Plant Pots and Planters to House Your Growing Greenery

No matter the number of houseplants you already own, these indoor plant pots will inspire you to buy more.

11 Best Plant Stands to Show Off Your Indoor Garden

Every plant parent should have a gorgeous indoor plant stand to display their pride and joy.

How to Grow Your Own Food: A Beginner’s Guide

Everything you need to know about growing your own food at home, whether you have a large backyard or a...

10 Mosquito-Repelling Plants You Need in Your Backyard

Why invest in pesticides or bug sprays to control mosquitoes when you can repel them naturally with plants?

How to Make Compost at Home to Enrich Your Garden

Here's everything you need to know about how to make compost at home.