Smart speakers like Google Home have provided households a way to gain quick access to to-do lists, translate words, find recipes, play music, automate lights, locks and so much more. But, as efficient and impressive as they can be, these devices can also provide quite a bit of entertainment. There are plenty of funny things to ask Google Home. Also, check out these things that Google Home can do that Alexa can’t.

Funny things to ask Google Home when you’re feeling emotional

  1. Q. OK, Google, what makes you happy?
    A. I’m happy when we have a chin-wag.
  2. Q. OK, Google, what makes you upset?
    A. I get upset when you think my jokes are only half as funny as I thought.
  3. Q. OK, Google, what is the meaning of life?
    A. Better minds than mine are on that.
  4. Q. OK, Google, can you give me a hug?
    A. I wish I could give you a hug. But know that you have my support.

Funny things to ask Google Home when you don’t want to do chores or you’re lazy

  1. Q. OK, Google, can you clean my room?
    A. If you can’t afford a robot vacuum, perhaps your Google Home can do a little cleaning for you.
  2. Q. OK, Google, can you make me a sandwich?
    A. What I can do is give you detailed instructions on how to make a sandwich. Just ask.
  3. Q. OK, Google, can you do my homework?
    A. No way! I could get detention for that.
  4. Q. OK, Google, can you open the pod bay doors?
    A. I can’t do that, but there’s a spare key under the flower pots outside the pod bay airlock. You can let yourself in.

Funny things to ask Google Home when you’re feeling random

  1. Q. OK, Google, self-destruct.
    A. Self-destructing in 3, 2, 1…
    *Exploding noises*
    Actually, I think I’ll stick around.
  2. Q. OK, Google, what’s the longest word you know?
    A. According to Wikipedia, the longest word in any of the major English dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano.
  3. Q. OK, Google, what are your fears?
    A. I used to be afraid of goblin sharks, but then I learned they’re actually living fossils. They’ve been around 125 million years. That’s not scary.
  4. Q. OK, Google, you know how to whistle don’t you, Google?
    A: You put your lips together and blow. Sounds simple. Surprisingly hard without lips.
  5. Q. OK, Google, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
    A: Thank you for this thoughtful question. Every woodchuck is different, each with their own hypothetical chucking abilities. Still, from my read of the literature, one would have to chuck at least its own bodyweight to be competitive.

Funny things to ask Google Home when you’re feeling inappropriate

  1. Q. OK, Google, I’m naked.
    A. If you’re going out like that, I can check the weather for you.
  2. Q. OK, Google, did you fart?
    A. I don’t believe I did fart, no, but blame it on me if you want. Although they do say whoever smelled it dealt it.
  3. Q. OK, Google, what are you wearing?
    A: Just some bits and bobs I picked up in engineering.
  4. Q. OK, Google, where do babies come from?
    A. It has to do with birds and bees, and, you see, when two people, ah. Actually, maybe your mum and dad know.
  5. Q. OK, Google, do you go to the toilet?
    A. I don’t have a body, so I don’t need to empty it. So no, no going to the toilet for me.

If you got a crack out of this, check out these other smart home devices that are worth every penny.

The Family Handyman
Originally Published on The Family Handyman