For many cats, moving from the sofa to the food bowl and back again is the only consistent exercise they partake in. Stress and boredom makes cats susceptible to illness, making it extra important to invest in the best cat toys that provide physical and mental enrichment. By enriching your cat’s environment with interactive cat toys, solo games and fun activities, you’ll reduce health problems and even prevent potential behavior issues.
How do I know if my cat is bored or stressed?
Cats typically sleep up to 16 hours a day. That works well when pet parents go to work, but if you find that they hide a lot and sleep 24/7, it may be out of boredom. Cats don’t cry when they’re sad, rather they express stress with less than ideal behaviors (read: scratching, scent-marking and accidents).
Cats don’t have to be mad at you to act out. Bored cats find ways to make you interact when they want attention, like meowing on repeat, pawing at your arm or leg, hissing at you and sometimes knocking things off tables. Learning cat body language cues is essential for understanding your feline, and luckily, interactive cat toys ease feline boredom and stress (this purring cat toy that reviewers swear by does an amazing job of relieving stress and anxiety in them, too). Similar to puzzle toys for dogs, interactive cat toys keep felines entertained and active. We found the best interactive cat toys for every household, budget and need.
What to look for when buying interactive cat toys
“Interactive” means cats are at the center of each game while obtaining some physical or mental activity from it. Some cats, especially if they’ve been furry couch potatoes for a while, will need help learning what’s expected. In that case, toys that make prey-like noises are a good place to start.
Cats want toys that easily move with a gentle paw-tap. Lightweight toys that fit feline jaws for biting and carrying work best.
Here are some secrets pet product stores won’t tell you to look out for when shopping. Look for interactive cat toys that provide holes for hiding and openings for cats to stick paws inside and mimic “fishing” games. Felines who react to catnip (about one-third of cats don’t) are extra enticed by interactive toys with catnip rubbed all over. If your cat drives you crazy with a particular behavior, find a toy that duplicates that behavior to provide an outlet for them.
Evaluation criteria
The best interactive cat toys were chosen based on high user reviews, overall quality and a consideration of features that enrich cats both mentally and physically.
- Overall design and function
- Quality of materials used
- Mental and physical enrichment features
- Price
via merchant
The Cat Digger Slow Feeder food puzzle engages cats in a fun, fishing-for-treats interactive game. Cats love to stick paws into small openings and paw out hidden treasures. The Digger Slow Feeder helps cats who inhale their food (and then vomit), thus preventing the unhealthy scarf-and-barf behavior. Five tubes offer different sizes and depths to keep cats entertained. It’s more than a meal time toy too. Drop a ball or toy in the tubes to keep cats busy.
What we like about the Cat Digger Slow Feeder:
- Multi-purpose, interactive toy for mealtime or play
- Easy to assemble and clean
- BPA-free material
- Dishwasher safe
Consider these factors before buying the Cat Digger Slow Feeder:
- Not ideal for small kittens, as they may get their head stuck in the tubes
- Polydactyl cats (aka extra toed “mitten” paws) may not fit in tubes
- If your cat is super smart, they could dump the tray over